Maximum Gross
Chassis Weight Weight Limit Fee
Less than 300 3, 000 $7. 00
301 to 500 5, 000 12. 00
501 to 1, 000 10, 000 23. 00
1, 001 to 2, 500 34, 000 115. 00
2, 501 to 3, 500 38, 000 145. 00
45, 000 200. 00
Over 3, 501 55, 000 230. 00
(b) Upon receipt of an application in proper form for the
registration of semi-trailers operated under the shuttle or
relay system, it shall be the duty of the Department, after
due investigation, to issue additional registration plates not
exceeding one additional for each two truck-tractors regis-
tered by the owner without extra cost and the fee for any
additional trailers other than those hereinabove specified but
not exceeding one for each two truck-tractors shall be one-
half* the regular registration fee.
The Department shall pay to the County or Baltimore City
in which the owner of a Class G motor vehicle resides, the
following sums for such vehicles as per chassis weight as
shown above:
Less than 300 $2. 00
301 to 500 2. 00
501 to 1, 000 8. 00
1, 001 to 2, 500 15. 00
2, 501 to 3, 500 25. 00
Over 3, 501 30. 00
If the owner of any such vehicles also resides within the
corporate limits of any municipality or special taxing area
in a county, such municipality or special taxing area shall
be entitled to receive from the county one-half (%) of the
fee paid to the county for such vehicle.
(Class H. Pneumatic Tires. ) School buses, publicly or
privately owned, under contract of the Boards of Education
of the political sub-divisions, and/or owned or under con-
tract by accredited schools, shall pay a flat registration fee
of $25. 00 when operating for the purpose of transporting
pupils between home and school or between designated
points of collection and school, if not exempt under Sec-
tion 7 (1) (8), and $15. 00 if exempt under said section.
When operating for this purpose and for this purpose alone
they shall carry the usual school bus insignia, front and rear,
and "stop" signals, front and rear. When operating a school
bus for any purpose other than the scheduled operation of