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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 325   View pdf image (33K)
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If the owner of any such vehicles also resides within the
corporate limits of any municipality or special taxing area in
a county, such municipality or special taxing area shall be
entitled to receive from the county one-half (%) of the fee
paid to the county for such vehicle.

(Class F. Pneumatic Tires. ) (a) Truck-tractors, tractors,
or traction engines, or any other similar motor vehicles used
for propelling, supporting or drawing a trailer or semi-
trailer shall pay a registration fee of $65. 00.

(b) Upon receipt of an application in proper form for the
registration of semi-trailers operated under the shuttle or
relay system, it shall be the duty of the Department, after
due investigation, to issue additional registration plates not
exceeding one additional for each truck tractor registered by
the owner and the fee for such additional trailer shall be one-
half the regular registration fee.

(c) This charge shall not apply to farm tractors being
operated by farmers in connection with their farming opera-
tions when traveling upon the public highways or streets
of this State, on which shall be imposed in lieu thereof
a flat fee of $4. 00. No charge shall be made for farm
tractors where such tractor is being used in hauling farm
wagons or implements in connection with farming operations,
or for farm tractor hauled trailers of farmers using highways
and not going a distance greater than five miles. The term
"farmer" as used in this section means any person or corpora-
tion engaged in the raising, growing and producing of farm
products on a farm of not less than three (3) acres in area,
and who is not hauling farm products previously acquired
by him for resale or hauling same for others for hire.

The Department shall pay to the County or Baltimore City
in which the owner of a Class F motor vehicle resides, the
sum of $30. 00, and if the owner also resides within the cor-
porate limits of any municipality or special taxing area in a
county, the municipality or special taxing area shall be en-
titled to receive from the county the sum of $15. 00. In the
case of farm tractors, the payment to the county shall be $2. 00
and if the owner also resides in a municipality or special
taxing area, such municipality or taxing area shall be entitled
to receive from the county the sum of $1. 00.

(Class G. Pneumatic Tires. ) (a) Registration fees for
trailers and semi-trailers shall be based upon gross shipping
chassis weight as certified by the manufacturer, with gross
weight limits for the vehicle and load, as follows:


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 325   View pdf image (33K)
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