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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 327   View pdf image (33K)
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transporting pupils between home and school or operating
as a charter bus for hire and for other than school purposes,
the owner shall take out an additional license plate for
which the charge shall be $30. 00 per year. When operating
a school bus for any purpose other than the scheduled opera-
tion of transporting pupils between home and school the
operator of the bus shall cover the school bus license plates
as well as all markings on the bus indicating it to be a school
bus. The Department of Motor Vehicles shall issue a distinc-
tive plate to be used on buses operating on a schedule for the
transporting of pupils between home and school.

The Department shall pay to the County or Baltimore City
in which the owner of a Class H vehicle subject to taxation
resides, the sum of $10. 00, and if the owner also resides
within the corporate limits of any municipality or special
taxing area in a county, such municipality or special taxing
area shall be entitled to receive from the county the sum of
$5. 00.

(Class I. Pneumatic Tires. ) All buses operating under
charter or for hire, exclusive of those operating on a regu-
larly fixed schedule, and between fixed termini, shall pay
annual registration fees as follows:

Buses with a seating capacity of 29 or fewer—$110. 00
per year.

Buses with a seating capacity of 30 to 37—$140. 00 per year.
Buses with a seating capacity of 38 to 45—$175. 00 per year.
Buses with a seating capacity of 46 or over—$210. 00 per year.

The Department shall pay to the County or Baltimore City
in* which the owner of a Class I motor vehicle resides, the
sum of $35. 00, $40. 00, $50. 00 or $60. 00 depending on the seating
capacity, as described above, and if the owner also resides
within the corporate limits of any municipality or special
taxing area in a county, the municipality or special taxing
area shall be entitled to receive from the County the sum of
$17. 50, $20. 00, $25. 00, or $30. 00 depending on the seating
capacity as described above.

(Class J. Solid Tires. ) All commercial motor vehicles
equipped with solid or cushion rubber tires shall pay a
registration fee twice that specified for the corresponding
class of pneumatic tire equipped motor vehicles including
twice the minimum fee established in these classes, and an
additional fee in each instance of $25. 00 in lieu of taxes, the
said $25. 00 to be paid to the County or Baltimore City where


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 327   View pdf image (33K)
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