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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1897   View pdf image (33K)
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WHEREAS, the General Assembly requested such a revision
in Joint Resolution No. 20 passed at the 1947 Regular Ses-
sion, this resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a
Commission to study the general corporation laws of the
State and to submit whatever recommendations it might
have for the revision of these laws; and

WHEREAS, A Commission to study the general corporation
laws was appointed pursuant to this resolution and there-
after began its work; and

WHEREAS, because of the magnitude of the task and the
complexity of the corporation laws, this Commission was not
able to complete its work so as to report to the Legislative
Council by October 1, 1948, and thereafter to the 1949 Legis-
lature; now therefore

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor be and he is hereby requested to continue the
Commission authorized by Joint Resolution No. 20 of 1947,
to study the need and desirability of amendments to the
general corporation laws and/or a thorough-going revision
thereof, with such changes in membership as to the Governor
may seem desirable, and such Commission to submit its
recommendations to the Legislative Council and to the Gen-
eral Assembly as soon as practicable, in advance of the next
session of the General Assembly.

Approved March 4, 1949.

NO. 5

(House Joint Resolution 4)

Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a Com-
mission to study the general insolvency laws and recom-
ment such amendments thereto as it may deem advisable.

WHEREAS, Article 47 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1939 Edition), title "Insolvents", was first compiled and
became the law of Maryland in 1854; and

WHEREAS, in the past 95 years many changes have taken
place with reference to bankruptcy and insolvency laws,
making the provisions of said Article 47 archaic and un-
wieldy; now, therefore be it


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1897   View pdf image (33K)
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