Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor of the State of Maryland be and he is hereby re-
quested to appoint a Commission composed of three members
of the Maryland Bar to make a study of Article 47 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), said Commis-
sion to consider the revision of said Article to conform with
the Federal Bankruptcy Acts and to submit its recommenda-
tions to the Legislative Council prior to October, 1950? and to
the General Assembly which convenes in January, 1951.
Approved March 31, 1949.
NO. 6
(House Joint Resolution 10)
Joint Resolution authorizing the Director of the Department
of Legislative Reference to consolidate all Articles and
sections of the present Code of Maryland, relating to con-
servation of natural resources into one Article of the Code,
and to further consolidate other items that are now found
in two or more Articles of the Code, and to further au-
thorize the said Director to renumber such Articles of
the Code as will be consistent with such consolidation.
WHEREAS, the subject of natural resources is now covered
by at least five different Articles in the Annotated Code of
Maryland; and
WHEREAS, other subjects are codified in two or more
Articles of said Code; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable to consolidate all the
Articles and sections of the Code of Maryland dealing with
the subject of natural resources in one Article, with appro-
priate sub-titles, and to consolidate other Articles pertain-
ing to the same subject that are now codified in two or more
Articles of the Code, with appropriate sub-titles; now there-
fore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Director of the Department of Legislative Reference be and
he is hereby authorized to consolidate all of the Articles in
the Annotated Code of Maryland pertaining to the subject
of natural resources in one Article of said Code, with appro-
priate sub-titles, and also to consolidate such other subjects