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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1317   View pdf image (33K)
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lie purposes either within or outside the limits of said muni-
cipality and to erect buildings thereon or make improvements
thereto for the benefit of the town and to sell at public or
private sale after 20 days' public notice and to convey to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof any real or leasehold property
belonging to the municipality when such legislative body de-
termines that the same is no longer needed for any public use.
To take by gift, grant, bequest or devise and to hold money,
real and personal property absolutely or in trust for parks
or gardens or for the erection of statues, monuments, build-
ings or structures, or for any public use, upon such terms and
conditions as may be prescribed by the grantor or donor, and
accepted by the municipality; to provide for the proper ad-
ministration of the same; and to convey the same when such
legislative body determines that it is no longer needed for
public purposes, subject to the terms and conditions of the
original grant.

(33) Public Utilities Services. Before the municipal cor-
poration shall engage in the business of manufacturing, sup-
plying, distributing and selling water, commercial current,
electric light and power, gas or other kind of light or power,
it shall first obtain consent of the Public Service Commission
of Maryland and comply with the rules and regulations of
said Commission; provided, however, that the municipality
may engage in any such business and do all acts and things
specified above for the purpose of furnishing water for fire
protection in the city, without the consent of the Public Serv-
ice Commission and without being subject to the rules and
regulations of said Commission.

(34) Removals and Suspensions. To remove or temporarily
suspend from office any person who has been appointed to
any municipal office and who, after due notice and hearing,
is adjudged to have been guilty of inefficiency, malfeasance,
misfeasance, nonfeasance, misconduct in office, or insubordina-
tion; and to fill the vacancy caused by such removal or sus-

(35) Salaries. To fix the salary or compensation of all
municipal officers and employees, provided that the salaries
of the members of the legislative body may be changed only as
hereinafter provided, or only if such ordinance be approved
by the majority of qualified voters of the town voting thereon
at a regular or special election.

(36) Seal. To make, have and use, and from time to time
alter, a common seal.


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1317   View pdf image (33K)
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