(37) Sewers. To provide for constructing, opening, enlarg-
ing, altering, or inspecting any sewer or drain on or tinder
public or private property; to establish and maintain such
sewerage and storm-water drainage facilities as may be neces-
sary for the sanitation and health of the municipality; to
regulate and inspect drainage and sewerage connections, pri-
vate connections thereto, and to set tapping or connection
(38) Special Elections. To provide for special elections
for municipal purposes, at such times and places as may be
determined, and subject to the provisions of the Charter of
the municipality.
(39) Streets and Sidewalks. To lay off, open, curb and
pave streets, alleys, walks and gutters for the public use, and
to alter, improve, and light the same and have them kept in
good order and free from obstruction on, over, under or
through them, to regulate the width of sidewalks and to order
the sidewalks, footways and gutters to be kept free and clean
and in good repair; and in case abutting owners fail to obey
any ordinance requiring them to set curbs, gutters, grade,
pave or repair walks and footways, the municipality may
cause such work to be done and charge the cost thereof to the
abutting owners as special taxes or be collected in the same
manner as other municipal taxes are collected.
(40) Taxes and Assessments. To levy taxes on property
assessed in accordance with the provisions of this Article or
of Public General Law, provided that no land included within
the limits of the town, except houses and gardens or land
plotted out in building lots shall be taxed for city purposes
so long as said land shall be used for agricultural purposes.
Municipal taxes shall not, however, exceed f. 25 on every $100
worth of assessable property.
3. (Legislative Body. ) (a) Powers. All powers of the
Town of Libertytown shall be vested in the Board of Alder-
men as provided in this sub-title.
(b) Number, Term, Salary. The Board of Aldermen shall
consist of three members. The number of Aldermen may be
changed by municipal ordinance subject to the referendum
of the voters at regular or special elections. Each Alderman
shall serve for a term of two years or until his successor has
been duly elected and qualified and the term of an Alderman
shall begin on the Monday following his election. Each Alder-
man shall receive a salary of $10. 00 annually.