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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1316   View pdf image (33K)
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deemed to be needed for the health and welfare of the in-
habitants of said town.

(27) Parking Meters. To install parking meters on the
streets of the municipality at such places as they shall de-
termine and to prescribe by ordinance regulations for the use
thereof, provided, however, that the installation and regula-
tion of parking meters on any street maintained by the State
Roads Commission of Maryland shall first be approved by
said Commission.

(28) Pensions. To provide a retirement or pension system
or group insurance plan for its officers or employees or for
including its officers and employees in any retirement or pen-
sion system operated by or in conjunction with the State or
County on such terms and conditions as the State Laws may

(29) Personnel. To provide for the employment of such
persons as the legislative body of the municipality shall deem
necessary or advisable to employ in addition to those speci-
fically provided for by Public General Law or Public Local
Law, and to establish a merit system in connection with the ap-
pointment of all municipal officials and employees not elected
or appointed under the Constitution or Public General or
Public Local Laws of the State, and to request and avail
themselves of the facilities of the Commissioner of State Em-
ployment and Registration for the administration of such
merit system without unnecessary expense.

(30) Police. To establish and maintain an adequate police
force and prescribe the bonds for the same. Municipal police-
men shall have all powers of a State Policeman or constable
within the corporate limits of the municipality.

(31) Police Powers. To have all police powers necessary
for the good government of the municipality which powers
shall extend beyond the limits or boundaries of the munici-
pality for a distance of one mile or for so much of one mile
as does not conflict with the powers of another municipal
corporation and provided further that a town shall have full
police powers on and over any water works, water shed and
garbage disposal plant owned by said City even though such
city-owned property shall be outside of the police limits or
boundaries of the municipality. "Police powers" as used in
this sub-section shall include but not be limited to the power
to punish and suppress vagrancy, vice, gambling, and the
owning or keeping of houses of ill fame.

(32) Property. To acquire by conveyance, purchase or
condemnation real or leasehold property needed for any pub-


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1316   View pdf image (33K)
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