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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1313   View pdf image (33K)
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(7) Building Regulations. To make reasonable regulations
concerning buildings and signs to be erected within the limits
of the municipality, including a building code and require-
ments for building permits, regulations of party walls and
partition fences and all other building regulations which are
deemed necessary for the promotion of the health, safety and
general welfare of the town.

1(8) Bonds and Borrowing. To provide for the borrowing
on the faith and credit of the municipality and for the corpo-
rate uses thereof, of any sum or sums of money not exceed-
ing in the aggregate with any outstanding bonds seven per
centum (7%) upon the assessable basis of such municipality,
unless the issue of such bonds shall be submitted to and
approved by the qualified voters of the town at a regular or
special election. The town shall issue bonds or evidences of
indebtedness therefor in accordance with the provisions of
Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland; provided that
no borrowing of money or issue of bonds in any one year
shall exceed 1% of the assessable basis until the same shall
be submitted to and approved by the qualified voters of said
town at a regular or special election.

(9) Cemeteries. To regulate the interment of bodies and
to control the location and establishment of cemeteries.

(10) Community Services. To provide, maintain and oper-
ate or contribute to such community and social services for
the preservation and promotion of the health, recreation,
patriotism, welfare and enlightenment of the inhabitants of
the municipality as the said legislative body may determine.

(11) Co-operation. To make agreements with other munici-
palities, counties, districts, bureaus, commissions and gov-
ernmental authorities for the joint performance of or for
co-operation in the performance of any and all similar gov-
ernmental activities.

(12) Corporate Name. To change the corporate name of
the municipality provided that no such change shall affect
any rights, duties or obligations of the corporation and pro-
vided further that such ordinance shall first be submitted
to and approved by the qualified voters of the municipality
at a regular or special municipal election.

(13) Curfew. To prohibit the youth of the town from be-
ing on the streets and in public places at unreasonable hours
of the night.



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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1313   View pdf image (33K)
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