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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1314   View pdf image (33K)
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(14) Explosives. To control the use and handling of
dangerous and explosive materials, and to prevent the firing
of any firearms or other explosive instrument.

(15) Finances. To have the general management and con-
trol of the finances of the municipality, and to designate by
ordinance or resolution the banks or trust companies in this
State in which shall be deposited all funds belonging to the

(16) Pines. To impose and appropriate fines, penalties
and forfeitures for the breach of the by-laws and ordinances
of the municipality, provided that no ordinance shall impose
a fine of more than One Hundred and Fifty Dollars (f 150. 00)
for any one offense, or authorize a commitment to the County
Jail for more than ninety (90) days at any one time. Im-
prisonment in default of fine and costs shall be regulated
by the provisions of Section 4 of Article 38 of the Annotated
Code as in effect at the time of default.

All fines, forfeitures, and penalties imposed by any muni-
cipal ordinance, by-law or resolution may be recovered in the
corporate name of the municipality before a Trial Magistrate,
as small debts are recovered, and the money arising there-
from shall be paid as provided in Section 96 of Article 52
of the 1947 Supplement to the Annotated Code.

Provided that the municipal corporation and any person
subject to any fine, forfeiture, or penalty by virtue of any
ordinance passed under authority granted in this Article,
shall have a right of appeal within ten (10) days to the
Circuit Court of the County in which such fine, forfeiture,
or penalty was imposed, and any defendant so appealing
shall have the right, if he so elect, to a trial by jury, upon
giving ample security for the payment of such fine and costs.

(17) Fire Department. To establish and maintain a fire
department or contribute to volunteer fire companies serving
the municipality and to provide for the removal of fire

(18) Franchises. To grant franchises as provided under
existing Public General or Public Local Laws.

(19) Garbage Disposal. To regulate or prevent the throw-
ing or disposing of any dirt, ashes, garbage, trash or liquids
in any public place and to provide for the proper disposal
of such materials.

(20) Health. To appoint a Town Health Officer or Board
of Health and to define and regulate his, her or its power
and duties; to establish quarantine regulations and to au-


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1314   View pdf image (33K)
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