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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1312   View pdf image (33K)
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enacted as the corporate charter of the Town of Libertytown,
Frederick County, Maryland, to read as follows:

1. (General Provisions. ) The inhabitants of the Town of
Libertytown in Frederick County, Maryland, shall constitute
a body corporate and under the corporate name shall have
perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, and may pass
and adopt all ordinances, resolutions, or by-laws necessary
or proper to exercise the powers granted herein or elsewhere.

2. (Enumeration of Express Powers. ) (1) The Board of
Aldermen of the Town of Liberytown shall have general
power to pass such ordinances not contrary to the public
general or public local laws and the Constitution of Mary-
land as they may deem necessary in order to assure the good
government of the municipality, to protect and preserve the
municipality's rights, property and privileges, to preserve
peace and good order, to secure persons and property from
danger and destruction, to benefit local trade and commerce,
and to protect the health, morals, comfort and convenience
of the citizens of the municipality.

(2) In addition to, but not in substitution of, the pow-
ers which have been, or may hereafter be, granted to it, such
legislative body also shall have the following express ordi-
nance-making powers:

(3) Advertising. To provide for municipal advertising,
for the printing of and publication of statements of the re-
ceipts and expenditures of the municipality, and the publica-
tion and codification of all laws, ordinances, resolutions or
regulations adopted by or affecting the municipality.

(4) Appropriations. To expend municipal funds for any
purpose deemed to be public and to affect the safety, health,
general trade and commerce, recreation and general welfare
of the town and its inhabitants, provided that funds not
appropriated at the time of the annual levy shall not be ex-
pended, nor shall any funds appropriated be expended for
any purpose other than that for which appropriated except
by a two-thirds vote of all members elected to said legislative

(5) Audits. To provide for the appointment of an auditor
or accountant to audit the books and accounts of all muni-
cipal officers collecting, handling or disbursing funds belong-
ing to the municipality.

(6) Band. To establish, maintain and support a municipal
musical organization.


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1312   View pdf image (33K)
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