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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1308   View pdf image (33K)
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and the same is hereby, repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:

252. Such plats shall be made or drawn upon tracing linen
or parchment of the uniform size of eighteen inches by
twenty-four inches, shall contain the directions and distances
of all lines drawn thereon or such of them as will enable
each lot, block, avenue, lane or alley thereof, to be accurate-
ly described by metes and bounds, courses and distances,
calculated to the true meridian, or the courses and distances
may be in accordance with the magnetic meridian, provided
the plat shall show the declination of such meridian from
the true meridian, there shall be endorsed upon each of such
plats, a certificate of the surveyor making the same, that the
lots or block and squares therein indicated are a part of the
whole lands conveyed to the maker of a plat by a deed or
conveyance, of which the date and place of record shall be
given; that the lines of said subdivision do not conflict with
the lines of any subdivision heretofore made and recorded,
among the said land records, and when such a plat shall be
of land acquired by more than one conveyance, the outlines
of the land acquired by the several conveyances shall be in-
dicated by red lines drawn upon said plat, and the sur-
veyor's certificate shall assign the various lots, blocks, etc.,
to the respective conveyances out of which the same shall
have been taken, and shall also certify that a monument
stone of not less than six inches diameter at the top has
been planted, two feet in the ground at each end of one of
the principal lines of said plat, and that the location of said
stones are properly indicated on said plat, and stating the
exact acreage of the land actually within the subdivision;
provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent
the maker of any of said plats from placing the same on
record in sections of the size hereinbefore provided; and
provided further, that whenever an approved system of water
supply or sewage or both, serving the public, is not directly
available to any lots in a subdivision, under this law a plat
of such a subdivision can not be so recorded until the size
of the lots thereon has been approved for the local Board of
Health of said County by its duly authorized agent, and
said Board is authorized to withhold its approval unless the
size of each of the proposed lots is such that the public wel-
fare and well-being is protected, having regard to soil drain-
age, water pollution and other matters affecting the public
interest; and provided, further, that in that portion of Prince
George's County outside the Maryland: Washington Regional
District, as the same is now or may hereafter be defined as a
result of any extensions or additions thereto, a plat shall not


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1308   View pdf image (33K)
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