(c) The said Commissioners of Henderson shall have
the right to acquire by condemnation any building or prop-
erty within the town limits of Henderson which they shall
find to be a public menace, or a fire or safety hazard,
provided the owners thereof do not alleviate or remedy said
menace or hazard within sixty days after notice of a reso-
lution of the said Commissioners declaring said buildings
or property to be a menace or hazard, as aforesaid. Con-
demnation shall be by any legal means or modes provided
for condemnation of public property under the laws of this
312E. The corporate limits of said town shall be as
follows: Beginning at a point on the Pennsylvania Rail-
road where it crosses Long Marsh Ditch at the northern
end of said town and running thence in an easterly direc-
tion with said ditch to a woods; thence southerly with said
woods to its end; thence following a straight line in a
southerly direction to a point on the Mud Mill Road 500
feet easterly from the tracks of the said railroad; thence
continuing the. same course southerly to a ditch; thence
southwesterly with said ditch to the said railroad; thence
in a straight line in a westerly direction to three marked
apple trees; thence in a straight line in a northerly direc-
tion to a point on the Bee Tree Road where it crosses a
ditch, which point is approximately 900 feet westerly from
said railroad; thence with said ditch in a northerly direc-
tion to its intersection with another ditch; thence north-
easterly in a straight line to a point on the Mount Zion
Road where it crosses another ditch, which point is approxi-
mately 1000 feet northwesterly on said road from its inter-
section with the Bee Tree Road; thence due northeasterly
to said Long Marsh Ditch; thence easterly with said ditch
to the railroad, the place of beginning.
312F (a) The inhabitants of Henderson, who are
above the age of twenty-one years, citizens of the State
of Maryland and of the United States, residents in said
town for at least six months next preceding the election,
assessed on the tax books of said town with real property
to the value of at least One Hundred Dollars, (or whose
spouse is assessed to the above amount), and who on or
before the third Monday in March of each year have paid
to the treasurer or bailiff of said town a sum of money
equal to the tax rate for that year on One Hundred Dol-
lars, and no others, shall between the hours and at such
place as the Commissioners of said town shall appoint,
elect by ballot from among the residents and qualified