voters of said town who shall be assessed on the tax books
thereof with at least Three Hundred Dollars' worth of
property, persons to serve without compensation as Com-
missioners of Henderson as follows:
(b) On the fourth Monday of April, in the year nine-
teen hundred and forty-nine, five persons shall be elected,
two of whom shall be elected to serve two years, and three
of whom shall be elected to serve one year, and until their
successors are elected and qualified. Thereafter, on the
fourth Monday of April in each even-numbered year three
persons shall be elected for two years and until their suc-
cessors are duly elected and qualified; and on the fourth
Monday of April in each odd-numbered year two persons
shall be elected for two years and until their successors are
duly elected and qualified. No person shall be eligible to
be a Commissioner unless he has resided within the town
for a period of at least two years prior to election. Henry
Schultie, Ira R. Smith, T. A. Montague, Earl R. Thomp-
son, and Carleton Gooden, shall act as Commissioners until
their successors are duly elected and qualified.
312G. The Commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
be judges of the elections held under the provisions of
Section 312F or they may appoint any three voters to act
as judges, and the proceedings shall be recorded under
their direction; and every Commissioner or person so ap-
pointed before he opens an election shall make oath before
a justice of the peace or notary public for Caroline County
that he will faithfully and impartially permit every. person
to vote at such election who shall be qualified to vote for
Commissioners of said town, and that he will not suffer
any person to vote at such election who shall not be legally
qualified to vote as provided in Section 3 of this Act, and
the three persons (or two as the case may be) having
the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.
312H. If in any election held under the provisions of
the preceding section, two or more persons shall receive
the same number of votes, the judges of said election
shall, after having given five days' notice of the time
and place, proceed to hold another election to fill the posi-
tion for which the vote was tied, and the person or persons
receiving the highest number of votes at said new election,
with those previously chosen, if any, shall constitute the
Commissioners of Henderson, and such new elections shall
be continued by said judges after 5 days' notice for each
new election until the required number of Commissioners
have been elected.