be under a new sub-title, "Henderson", to be known as
sections 312D to 312JJ and to follow immediately after
Section 312C of said Article defining the limits of the
town of Henderson, incorporating same, and providing
for the government thereof.
SECTION!. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That 33 new sections be and they are hereby added to
Article 6 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), to be under a new sub-title, "Henderson",
to be known as Sections 312D to 312JJ, to follow imme-
diately after Section 312C of said Article and to read as
312D (a) The inhabitants of the town of Hender-
son, in Caroline County, are hereby declared to be a body
corporate, by the name of "The Commissioners of Hender-
son", and by that name may, in addition to the powers
granted in Sections 312R, 312Y and 312AA of this sub-
title, (1) sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any
of the courts of this State, (2) acquire by purchase, con-
demnation or otherwise, any land or property, or any in-
terest therein upon which to erect any market house,
lock-up, office or any other building or buildings, which
in the judgment of the said Commissioners may be neces-
sary for the use of the said corporation, for the establish-
ment or enlargement of parks, squares and gardens, or
for opening, extending, widening or straightening any
street, lane or alley in said town; (3) hold real, personal
and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the benefit
of said town, in their discretion; (4) have and use a com-
mon seal which may be altered by them at pleasure.
(b) All property and funds of every kind belonging
to or in possession of the town of Henderson are vested
in said corporation, and the said corporation may receive
in trust and may control for the purpose of such trust
all money or other property which may have been or shall
be bestowed upon such corporation by will, deed or any
other form of gift or conveyance in trust for any general
corporation purpose or in aid of the indigent or for or for
any other purpose within said town; and the said corpora-
tion may lease or otherwise dispose of any property now
held, or which may be hereafter acquired by said corpora-
tion, by first giving proper notice of such lease or sale
in one or more of the newspapers printed in Caroline
County once a week for three successive weeks before such
lease or sale.