CHAP. 184.
they are hereby authorised to change the name of
the said corporation from that of the Associated
Professors of Saint Mary's College in the city of
Baltimore, to that of the Associated Professors of
Saint Mary's Seminary in Baltimore City.
Rights vested.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That the said cor-
poration by its new name, shall hold, possess and
enjoy, and exercise all the rights, powers, authority
and privileges heretofore granted and confirmed by
and under the said acts of one hundred and four,
chapter seventy-one, and one-hundred thirty-eight,
chapter one hundred and thirty-seven.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion by its new name hereby given, shall have
power and authority to make and use a common
seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at
pleasure, to pass by-laws and make rules and regu-
lations for the perpetuation of the governing body,
and the same to alter and change at pleasure; to
purchase, receive, take and hold by deed, gift, de-
vise or otherwise, any estate and property whatso-
ever, real and personal, and the same or any part
thereof, to sell, transfer, lease or convey; to sue
and be sued, and in the new name of the said cor-
poration, to collect any debts due or owing to the
said corporation by its former name; Provided,
however, that the annual income of the said cor-
poration from any estate or property heretofore or
hereafter to be acquired by way of rents or interest,
shall not exceed the annual sum of eighteen thou-
sand dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the General
Assembly of Maryland, may at any time hereafter
amend, alter or repeal this act.