SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is here-
by declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public health and safety,
and having been passed by a yea and nay vote supported by
three-fifths of all of the members elected to each of the two
Houses of the General Assembly, the same shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 30, 1943.
(Senate Bill 275)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 24 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title
"Worcester County", sub-title "Roads", said new section
to be known as Section 281A and to follow immediately
after Section 281 of said Article, prohibiting the erection
or maintenance of billboards or other similar structures,
signs, posters, or display advertising within five hun-
dred (500) feet of the State Dual Highway and between
the two bridges across Sinepuxent Bay and Herring
Creek in the Tenth Election District of Worcester
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be added to Article 24 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition),
title "Worcester County", sub-title "Roads", to follow im-
mediately after Section 281 of said Article, said new sec-
tion to read as follows:
281A. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor-
poration to erect or maintain billboards or other similar
structures, signs, posters or display advertising of any kind
whatsoever within five hundred (500) feet of the State
Dual Highway leading to the new Highway Bridge over
the Sinepuxent Bay at Ocean City, and between said bridge
and the Highway Bridge at Herring Creek, in the Tenth
Election District of Worcester County. Provided, how-
ever, that nothing herein shall apply to any such billboard
or other similar structure, sign, poster or display advertis-
ing erected and in being at the time of the passage of this
Act, and provided further that nothing herein shall pro-
hibit sign advertising any lawful business, roadside service
or home occupation conducted upon the premises of an
owner of land along said roadway, or articles lawfully