33M. No person in the Classified City Service shall for
any reason be under any obligation to contribute to any
political fund, and no person shall knowingly, directly or
indirectly, in person or by letter, request or solicit the pay-
ment of any political assessment, subscription or contri-
bution from any person in the Classified City Service.
33N. Any violation of any of the provisions of this
sub-title relating to the Civil Service Commission, or any
wilful use of any corrupt means in connection with any
examination, appointment, promotion, reduction, transfer
or reinstatement shall be deemed a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction in a Court of competent jurisdiction, shall be
punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars,
or by imprisonment for a time not exceeding twelve
months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
33-0. Any person heretofore or hereafter inducted into
the land or naval forces of the United States for training
and service pursuant to the Act of Congress known as the
Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, or any subse-
quent Acts of a similar nature, and any member of any
reserve component of the land or naval forces of the United
States, who is on active duty or service, or who may be
ordered or assigned to active duty or service, as well as
any person who, during the present war, has heretofore
enlisted in or who may hereafter enlist in the armed forces
of the United States, and who, because of such induction
or in order to perform such active duty or service, or be-
cause of such enlistment, has left or leaves a position, other
than a temporary position, in the employ of the City of
Cumberland shall (1) if he receives a certificate of satis-
factory completion of such duly, (2) if he is still qualified
to perform the duties of such position, and (3) if he makes
application for re-employment within 40 days after he is
relieved from such active duty or service, be restored to
such position or to a position of like seniority, status and
pay. Upon reinstatement, the time spent by such person in
the military service shall be added to his seniority, he shall
be entitled to the same pay which persons having the same
seniority and doing the same kind of work in the depart-
ment or service involved are receiving, and he shall be re-
stored to the status in the Classified City Service held by
him at the time he entered such military service, or which
he would have held if he had been in the employ of the
City when such position was placed under the provisions
of this sub-title, just as though his employment had not
been interrupted.