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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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title, and to provide for appointments and employments
in all positions in the classified service hereinafter men-
tioned, based on merit, efficiency, character and industry,
and the Commission may, from time to time, make changes
in the original rules or additions thereto. All such rules,
changes therein and additions thereto, shall forthwith be
printed for distribution by said Commission to all persons
who may apply therefor.

The Commission shall keep minutes of its own proceed-
ings, and all of the records, proceedings and papers of
the Commission shall be subject to inspection at any reason-
able time. The Commission shall have power to investi-
gate all matters touching the execution of the provisions
of this sub-title of this Charter and of the rules and regu-
lations adopted by it in conformity therewith. In the
course of such investigations, each Commissioner shall have
power to administer oaths and summon and examine wit-
nesses as to matters relevant to such investigations.

Whenever the Commission shall find by means of such
investigation that any administrative head of the City
Government, including any Commission or Board, or any
person having the power of appointment or removal in the
Classified City Service of Cumberland, has abused such
power by making appointments or removals for any reason
other than the good of the public service, it shall so report
to the Mayor and City Council, who shall thereupon have
power to remove forthwith without further hearing such
administrative head or person found guilty of such viola-
tion by the said Commission. The Commission shall make
an annual report to the Mayor.

33B. For performing the duties imposed upon them
by this sub-title, the members of said Commission shall
each be paid Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250. ) per
annum, payable monthly. The Commission may appoint
such clerks, assistants and employees as may be necessary,
in carrying out the provisions of this sub-title and at such
compensation as may be provided for in the annual Appro-
priation Ordinance, or the Mayor and City Council may
assign, from time to time, employees from any city de-
partment or departments to aid the Commission in per-
forming its duties.

33C. The Commissioners shall classify all the munici-
pal offices and positions in the City of Cumberland to which
appointments are made by any person or persons who are,
or may be, clothed by this Charter or any law or ordinance
relating to said City with the power of making appoint-
ments, except the positions of Tax Collector, City Solicitor,


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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