park purposes within the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan
District under any of the provisions of this Act, on such terms
and conditions as the Commission, in the exercise of its dis-
cretion, may deem advantageous to the development of the
park system as a part of the plan for the physical develop-
ment of the District and the plan of the Maryland-Wash-
ington Regional District within the District, provided,
however, that the purpose for which such property is leased,
and/or such privileges, permits and/or concessions are granted
shall not be inconsistent with its use for park purposes; and
provided further, that any lease and/or contract executed
under the authority of this section shall contain a condition
stating specifically the purpose for which the property is leased,
and/or the said privilege, permit or concession is granted.
V. For the purpose of carrying out the plan or plans
referred to in the preceding section or any part thereof, the
Commission shall have the power to acquire for parks, park-
ways, forests, streets, roads, boulevards or other public ways,
grounds or spaces, by means of donations, purchases or con-
demnation, land or other property located within the District.
All land. or other property acquired by the Commission for
these purposes or any of them shall be exempt from state,
county and municipal taxes. The Commission shall have the
power to improve and develop land or other property so ac-
quired by it for said purposes and shall have the control of
the maintenance and operation thereof. No general regulation
governing such public ways, grounds or open spaces within
either Montgomery or Prince George's County shall go into
effect unless and until it receive the affirmative vote of at least
two members of the Commission from such county.
VI. For the purpose of paying for lands or other
property within the District acquired or to be acquired
by the Commission, whether by condemnation or purchase,
for parks, parkways, forests, streets, roads, highways, boule-
vards and other public ways, grounds and spaces, or for
the development or improvement thereof, the Commission is
hereby authorized and empowered to issue and sell serial bonds
from time to time in such amounts as it may deem necessary
for said purposes and under such rules and regulations as
the Commission may determine; provided, however, that the
total amount of such bonds outstanding at any time shall not
exceed such amount as can be redeemed within fifty (50) years
from date of issue by means of so much of the tax or taxes
of seven cents (7^) hereinafter authorized, as shall be pledged
to the payment of such bonds, to the extent that said taxes
&re or are proposed to be levied in Montgomery County or
Prince George's County or both; except that nothing herein