1952 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 1008
shall limit the right of the Commission to issue bonds to meet
the provisions of Paragraphs or Sub-sections (a) and (b)
of Section 1 of Public Act 284 of the Congress of the United
States, 71st Session, as hereinafter provided for. The Comp-
troller of the State of Maryland shall at any time or times
upon the request of the Commission, calculate and certify to the
Commission the amount of such bonds which may be issued
within said limitation, upon the assumption that the then
assessed value of property subject to said tax will remain
constant; and the certificate of the Comptroller shall be final
and binding authority to the Commission as to such amounts.
Said bonds shall be either registered or coupon bonds in such
denomination or denominations as shall be determined by the
Commission and shall bear interest at not exceeding five per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall mature in
not exceeding fifty years from the date of issue and shall be
forever exempt from state, county and municipal taxation.
Said bonds shall be issued upon the full faith and credit of
the Commission and of the county or counties guaranteeing
the same as hereinafter provided and the principal and inter-
est thereof shall be primarily payable from the proceeds of the
levy of the tax or taxes of seven cents (7^) which each county
is hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon each One
Hundred Dollars (f 100. 00) of assessed valuation of property
lying within that portion of the District in each county re-
spectively. They shall be issued under the hand and seal of
said Commission and shall be guaranteed as to the payment of
principal and interest in the following manner: In the event
that the said seven cent (7^) tax of this Act is levied and
collected throughout the District the said bonds shall be guar-
anteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the
County Commissioners of both Montgomery and Prince
George\s Counties, which guarantee shall be endorsed on each
of said bonds in the following language: "The payment of
interest when due and of the principal on maturity is guaran-
teed by Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland7';
and such endorsement shall be signed on each of said bonds
by the president and secretary or the clerk of the Board of
County Commissioners of each county within twenty days
after the bonds are presented by said Commission to them for
endorsement. In the event of any liability under the above
guarantee, such liability for each county shall be in such pro-
portion as the assessable basis of that part of such county
within the District bears to the assessable basis of the whole
of said District. In the event that the said seven cent (7^)
tax is levied and collected only throughout that portion of the
District within Montgomery County the said bonds shall be
guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the