Being part of that tract of land which by deed dated Janu-
ary 25, 1913, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more County in Liber W. P. O. No. 407 Folio 156 &c was con-
veyed by John J. Nelligan and Mary C. Nelligan, his wife, to
the State of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Pub-
lic Works is hereby authorized and empowered to convey to
the County Commissioners of Baltimore County a right-of-way
for sewerage purposes through the property of the State of
Maryland known as the State Teacher's College in Towson,
situated in the 9th Election District of Baltimore County,
being a 50 foot right-of-way from the Easternmost outline of
an existing 24 foot right-of-way to the southernmost outline
of Alabama Road extended and being described as follows:
Beginning for the same at a stone marked S: A. heretofore
planted at the beginning of the 16th or South 1 degree 21 min-
utes West 1255 feet 6 inch line of that tract of land which
by deed dated January 25, 1913 and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. G. No. 407, Folio
156, &c was conveyed by John J. Nelligan and Mary C. Nelli-
gan, his wife, to the State of Maryland, thence running with
and binding on part of said 16th line as now conveyed South
01 degree 58 minutes 37 seconds West 50. 93 feet to an iron
bar now planted, thence leaving said 16th line and running
for lines of division the two following courses and distances,
to wit: South 77 degrees 02 minutes 38 seconds East 149. 91
feet to an iron bar, thence North 13 degrees 27 minutes 12
seconds East 180. 54 feet to an iron bar now planted and to
intersect the fourth or curved line of that tract of land which
by deed of even date herewith and recorded or intended to be
recorded prior hereto, was conveyed by the State of Maryland
to the County Commissioners of Baltimore County, thence
running with and binding on the fourth and fifth lines of the
last mentioned conveyance the two following courses and dis-
tances, to wit: By a line curving to the right with a radius
of 406. 40 feet for a distance of 48. 71 feet (the chord of said
arc being North 81 degrees 43 minutes 04 seconds West 48, 68
feet) to an iron bar, thence North 78 degrees 17 minutes 03
seconds West 1. 52 feet to a cross mark on the top of a stone
wall there situate and to intersect the 14th or South 121/4
degrees West 152 feet 9 inch line of the firstly mentioned con-
veyance at a point distant 26. 22 feet from the beginning of
said 14th line, thence running with and binding on part of
the said 14th and on the 15th lines of the said firstly men-
tioned conveyance the two following courses and distances,
to wit: South 13 degrees 27 minutes 12 seconds West 126. 53
feet to a pipe heretofore planted at the end of said 14th line,