of Section 5, sub-section A of Section 6, and Section 60
of Article 2B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939
Edition), title "Alcoholic Beverages", sub-titles "Beer
Licenses", "Beer and Light Wine Licenses", "Beer, Wine
and Liquor Licenses", and "Board of License Commis-
sioners", increasing certain license fees in Carroll Coun-
ty, and the compensation of the License, Commissioners
of Carroll County and exempting Howard County from
the provisions of this Act.
(Vetoed. )
(Senate Bill 405)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
100 of Article 52 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Justices of the
Peace", sub-title "Trial Magistrate System", sub-section
(Harford County), providing for additional trial magis-
trates in Harford County and for their compensation
and that of other trial magistrates.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 100 of Article 52 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition), title
"Justices of the Peace", sub-title 'Trial Magistrate Sys-
tem", sub-section (Harford County), be repealed and re-
enacted with amendments to read as follows:
(Harford County). There shall be five Trial Magis-
trates, one of whom shall sit at Bel Air, who shall receive
an annual salary of Two thousand dollars ($2, 000); one
at Havre de Grace, who shall receive an annual salary of
Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200); one at Aberdeen, who
shall receive an annual salary of Twelve hundred dollars
($1200), one at Darlington, who shall receive an annual
salary of Six hundred dollars ($600); one at Abingdon,
who shall receive an annual salary of Five hundred dollars
($500). In addition to the provisions of Section 110, the
substitute Trial Magistrate for Harford County shall sit
at Bel Air, when not otherwise substituting, and shall also
sit at Aberdeen not less than two days or parts thereof,
each week, as the public business shall require, and who
shall receive a salary of Six hundred dollars ($600) a year;