15 feet to the point of beginning, containing 750 square
feet of land more or less.
155. To the sale, grant and deed of conveyance from
Robert I. Lyon, unmarried, to The Convention of the Prot-
estant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Washington, a
corporation organized and existing by an Act of Congress,
dated July 1, 1936, and recorded October 5, 1936, in Liber
No. 451, Folio No. 439, to Lot 1 in Block 5 in the sub-
division known as "Mount Rainier", as per plat recorded in
Liber J. W. B.—5, Folio No. 658, one of the Land Records
of Prince George's County, Maryland.
156. To the sale, grant and deed of conveyance from
Bannockburn Heights Improvement Company, a corpora-
tion, to The Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
of the Diocese of Washington, a corporation organized and
existing by an Act of Congress, dated the 10th day of Feb-
ruary, 1940, and recorded the 13th day of March, 1940, in
Liber No. 771, at Folio No. 172, of the Land Records of
Montgomery County, Maryland, to all that certain piece or
parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in
Montgomery County, in the State of Maryland, and distin-
guished as Lot 1, in Block 5, in a sub-division known as
"Fairway Hills"; as per plat recorded in Plat Book No. 19,
plat 1167, one of the Land Records for said Montgomery
157. To the gift contained in the Last Will and Testa-
ment of T. Eugene Travers, deceased, said Will being dated
April 12, 1940, filed and probated April 18, 1940, in the
Office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City, in Wills
Liber J. H. B. No. 199, Folio No. 125, viz:
(a) One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to the
Vestry of St. John's Chapel of the Great Choptank Parish,
Dorchester County, as a memorial to Thomas Broome Trav-
ers, father.
158. To the gift contained in the Last Will and Testa-
ment of Robert E. Tubman, deceased, said Will being dated
September 21, 1938, filed and probated November 14, 1938,
in the Office of the Register of Wills for Dorchester County,
Maryland, in Wills Liber R. P. S, No, 4, Folio No. 445, viz:
(a) Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) to the Ves-
try of Great Choptank Parish, Diocese of Easton, Maryland,
a body corporate, its successor and successors, in trust and
confidence that it will invest said sum in a safe and produc-
tive security, collect the interest, or dividends, thereon and
use and expend the income therefrom for the perpetual
upkeep and maintenance in good order and condition of the