if the said plans of any building or structure, and the
materials proposed to be used for the same, shall not be
in the nature of a general improvement in the zone, or
district, in which said building or structure is to be
erected, then and in that event the President and Com-
missioners may refuse to issue a permit for the same,
but in no case shall any excavation or construction begin
until a permit shall have been first had and obtained from
the President and Commissioners and a reasonable cost
paid for the same, to be fixed by the President and Com-
The President and Commissioners are hereby author-
ized and empowered in the Town at large, before the crea-
tion of zones, or districts, and thereafter in said zones or
districts, to establish reasonable fees to be paid to the
Town for minor privileges and particularly for the erec-
tion of signs or out-door advertising matter; to fix and
determine the location and size of any sign or other out-
door advertising matter, and the size and character of
the lettering and numerals thereon; to require a permit
for the erection and maintenance of such signs or other
outdoor advertising matter; to refuse or revoke such a
permit in event the applicant does not reside on the
premises where the sign is to be erected, and continue to
reside thereon while it is maintained, or in event the appli-
cant attempts to advertise the business or profession of
another; and to declare such unauthorized erection and
maintenance to be a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or
commitment to jail.
188C. The President and Commissioners of the Town
of Elkton are hereby authorized and empowered to require
a fee or fees for licenses and permits to be issued by the
Town of Elkton, either annually, monthly, weekly or by
the day, to all persons, firms or corporations engaged in
any business or profession in the Town of Elkton of any
kind whatsoever, whether the same be manufacturing,
selling, trading, soliciting, taking orders for present or
future deliveries, carnivals (not County), shows and exhi-
tions, or otherwise, if the activities of said persons, firms
or corporations in the Town of Elkton are for profit and
reward, and the ordinance or ordinances requiring a fee
or fees for licenses or permits shall go into effect on the
first day of the month next succeeding the passing of
the ordinance or ordinances, provided, that ten days notice
of the passage of such ordinance or ordinances shall be
given in one or more of the leading newspapers published
in Cecil County and circulated in the Town of Elkton;
provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall