of the State, and by all Justices of the Peace of the State,
and by all public officials of the State, to be evidence of
Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
and the Charter of Baltimore City in existence at the time
of said compilation.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency law and necessary
for the immediate preservation of the public health and
safety, and having been passed by a yea and nay vote,
supported by three-fifths of all of the members elected
to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly, the
same shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 26, 1939.
(Senate Bill 80)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
188B and 188C, of Article 8, of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Cecil County, "
sub-title "Elkton, " as said sections were enacted by
Chapter 410 of the Acts of 1933, authorizing the Presi-
dent and Commissioners to regulate advertising and to
require fees for certain licenses.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 188B and 188C, of Article 8, of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edi-
tion), title "Cecil County, " sub-title "Elkton, " as said sec-
tions were enacted by Chapter 410 of the Acts of 1933, be
and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments to read as follows:
188B. The President and Commissioners shall have
the authority to zone the Town of Elkton, dividing the
same into several districts, and in each of said districts
may prescribe reasonable rules and regulations relating to
the character and type of buildings to be constructed there-
in, and the materials to be used in said buildings, and no
buildings shall be erected in said zone by any person, firm
or corporation, unless and until the said person, firm or
corporation, shall submit to the President and Commis-
sioners plans for said buildings, which shall include the
materials to be used in the construction of the same, and