698 . LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 266
the Frederick Female Seminary land, buildings, furniture and
equipment, on such terms as may be agreed upon by said Trus-
tees and the said County Commissioners; and if said property
shall be so leased or conveyed it shall be used by said County
Commissioners for administrative, educational or other public
purposes; provided that any part of said property not imme-
diately required to be used for such purposes may be devoted
to any other lawful uses, upon such rental or other terms as the
said County Commissioners may deem proper; and in the
event of a declination by said Board of Education and County
Commissioners to renew said existing lease, or by said County
Commissioners to acquire said property, by lease or grant, or
upon the expiration of the renewal term under said present
lease, if said option to renew shall be exercised, the said Trus-
tees are hereby generally authorized to dispose of said property
by sale, lease or otherwise upon such terms as they may deem
most advantageous for the corporate and community interests
to be affected; and the rent received under the lease hereby
sanctioned, or under any other lease authorized by this Act,
and any proceeds of a sale or other disposition of said property
hereby authorized, or the income from the investment of any
such proceeds, shall be applied by said Trustees in procuring
scholarships to be used in aid of the higher education of
female students; and for the administration of the trusts here-
in prescribed, the said Trustees shall continue to have the cor-
porate exercise and powers conferred by the Act of their
original incorporation, and such additional and incidental
authority as may be requisite for the full and due execution
of said trusts.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect the first day of June, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT supplementary to an Act entitled "An Act to in-
corporate the Home for the Aged of Frederick City, " passed
by the General Assembly of Maryland in the year 1892 and
known as Chapter 87 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland of that year, as altered and amended by Chap-