1930, and executed by said Trustees, the said Board of Edu-
cation, and the County Commissioners of Frederick County,.
Which provided for an initial leasehold term of one year from
August 1, 1930, at a rental of $1, 500. 00, payable semi-an-
nually, and for a renewal term of fourteen years, at the option
of said Board of Education, and the said County Commission-
ers, at an annual rental of $3, 500. 00, for said renewal term,
payable semi-annually, the said County Commissioners agree-
ing to provide for the payment of said rent, and it being stated
in said agreement that the said Trustees intended to apply said
rental in providing scholarships for the collegiate education of
female students; and
WHEREAS, in the judgment of the General Assembly, the
above described lease of said Seminary property to the Board of
Education of Frederick County, or a lease or conveyance there-
of to the County Commissioners of said county on such terms
as may be agreed upon by the said Trustees and the said Coun-
ty Commissioners, will be advantageous for the various corpo-
rate, community and administrative interests involved; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable, in the judgment of the General
Assembly, that in the event of declination by the said County
Commissioners and Board of Education to exercise their op-
tion to renew said existing lease, or by said County Commis-
sioners to acquire said Seminary property by lease or grant,
or upon the expiration of said renewal term, if said option to
renew shall be exercised, the said Trustees should have ade-
quate authority to dispose of said property by sale, lease or
otherwise, and to use any income resulting from such dispo-
sition, or the proceeds of any sale thereof, for the promotion
of female education; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the agreement of lease executed by the Trus-
tees of the Frederick Female Seminary, the Board of Educa-
tion of Frederick County, and the County Commissioners of
Frederick County, dated July 30, 1930, and containing the
provisions hereinbefore recited, be»and it is hereby sanctioned.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Trustees of
the Frederick Female Seminary are hereby authorized to lease
or convey to the County Commissioners of Frederick County