General Assembly, reached an agreement with respect to the
establishment of a boundary line between the said properties,
to the end that further dispute and controversy with respect
thereto may be avoided; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a boundary line be established between the
property of the State of Maryland at St. Mary's City and the
property of Jeanette E. Brome Howard and Susette I. Brome
Bennett where the said properties adjoin between the State
Highway and St. Mary's River at the northeast end of the
property occupied by the St. Mary's Seminary in the following
manner, to wit:
Beginning at a concrete marker placed on the northwest
side of the said State road which marker is located 92 feet
in a northeasterly direction from the northeast corner of a
structure known as the Post Office Building and running
thence from said place of beginning North 38 degrees West
200 feet, more or less, passing through a similar marker near
the shore of the St. Mary's River, to the shore line and waters
thereof, the land to the north and east of the said line to
belong to and be the exclusive property of the said Jeanette
E. Brome Howard and Susette I. Brome Bennett and all land
to the south and west of said line to belong to and be the
exclusive property of the State of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the State of Mary-
land does hereby grant and quit claim unto the said Jeanette
E. Brome Howard and Susette I. Brome Bennett all of its
rights, title and interest in and to all that tract or parcel of
land lying to the north and east of the said boundary line and
more particularly described as follows:
(a) Beginning for the same at the point where the said line
intersects the "thence North 54% degrees East 38% perches"
line mentioned in the deed from William and Mary parish to
the State of Maryland, dated August 24, 1844, and recorded
among the land records of St. Mary's County in Liber J. H.
No. 13, folio 381, and running thence from said place of
beginning and following the outlines as given in said deed
(the following courses being taken from said deed without
allowance for variation) North 54% degrees East 450 feet
more or less to the end of the said line at the mouth of Mill
Creek, thence South 24 degrees West 4 perches with said