"creek, thence South 55 degrees West 4 perches to the aforesaid
creek, thence South 41 degrees West 8 perches with said
creek, thence South 2 degrees West 3 perches with the creek,
thence South 81 degrees West 4 perches with the creek, thence
: South 47 degrees West 100 feet more or less, to the said
boundary line, thence North 38 degrees West with said bound-
ary line to the place of beginning together with all accretions
and additions thereto;
(b) Provided, that the said Jeanette E. Brome Howard
and Susette I. Brome Bennett, together with their respective
husbands, shall within thirty days from the date this Act takes
effect convey to the State of Maryland the parcel of land at
St. Mary's City and embraced within the following metes and
bounds, beginning for the same at the northeast corner of the
said Post Office Building and running thence in a northeast-
erly direction and binding on the northwest side of the State
road 92 feet to a concrete marker, thence leaving said State
road and running North 38 degrees West 200 feet, more or
less, passing through a similar concrete marker near the shore
of the St. Mary's River, to the shore line and waters thereof;
thence in a southwesterly direction binding on said shore
line 92 'feet to an old fence line, thence running in a south-
easterly direction and binding on the property now owned by
the State and in the possession of the St. Mary's Seminary,
to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of
the Board of Trustees of the St. Mary's Female Seminary be
and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to exe-
cute and acknowledge a deed in the name of and on behalf of
the State of Maryland, conveying and quit claiming unto the
said Jeanette E. Brome Howard and Susette I. Brome Bennett
all of the right, title and interest of the State in and to the
land lying to the north and east of the said boundary line and
more particularly described in SEC. 2 (a), and the Secretary
of the said Board is hereby authorized and directed to attest
the said deed, which deed shall be delivered upon the convey-
ance to the State of Maryland of the parcel of land described
in Section 2 (b).
SEC. 4. And be if further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after June 1, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.