the Maryland Penitentiary, the House of Correction, the Balti-
more City Jail, or from any jail or penal institution in any
of the counties of this State, shall be murder in the first degree.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 1A of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1929 Supplement), title "Aeronautics, "
to be under sub-title "Marking of Cities and Towns, " to be
known as Section 37A and to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 37 of said Article, so as to provide for the marking
of certain cities and towns for aircraft.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and the same is hereby added
to Article 1A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1929 Sup-
plement), title "Aeronautics, " to be under sub-title "Marking
of Cities and Towns, " said new section to be known as Section
37A and to follow immediately after Section 37 of said Article,
and to read as follows:
37A. Every incorporated city or town of this State having
a population of four thousand or more, according to the 1930
Federal Census, shall on or before August 1, 1931? establish
on a conspicuous place, approved by the State Aviation" Com-
mission, and thereafter maintain a sign in letters not less than
four (4) feet in length, in chrome yellow, on a black back-
ground and facing the sky, which sign shall contain the first
and last letter of the name of the city or town so marked, fol-
lowed by a dash and the letters "MD. " This same sign shall
be continuously flooded at night by an electric light of not less
than five hundred (500) candlepower. Towns and cities so
desiring may, in place of the. abbreviated name, use the full
name, followed by a dash and the letters "MD. " Any city or
town failing to comply with any of the above provisions for a
period of thirty days after receipt of notice from the State
Aviation Commission, directed to the Chief Executive Officer