(b) To pay over from the net income from said trust
estate, the sum of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00)
per month to my wife, Sadie H. Garland, for the full term
of her natural life, or the full amount of the said net income
from said trust estate in the event the net income therefrom
does not exceed fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per year;
and if the net income from said trust exceeds the sum of
fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per year, to add the
remainder of said net income over and above fifteen hundred
dollars ($1,500.00) per year, to the corpus or principal of said
trust estate. Upon the death of my wife, Sadie H. Garland,
after my death, the trust hereby created shall cease and be
determined and my said trustee shall pay over free, clear
and discharged from the provisions hereof, the entire corpus
of said trust estate then in its hands as trustee, including the
trust estate originally created hereunder, and any investments
of any part of the income therefrom as herein provided, to-
gether with any undistributed income therefrom then in its
hands as such trustee, to The Home for the Aged of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, a body cor-
porate, now located at Fulton Avenue and Franklin Street,
in the City of Baltimore, Maryland.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
400 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Crimes and Pun-
ishments," sub-title "Murder."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 400 of Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland (1924 Edition),
title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title "Murder," be and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
400. All murder which shall be committed in the perpetra-
tion of, or attempt to perpetrate, any rape, sodomy, mayhem,
I'obbery, burglary, or in the escape or attempt to escape from