(f) To the Trustees of Trinity Chapel, Frederick City
station of the Baltimore Annual Conference, Methodist
Episcopal Church, South, a body corporate, the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars absolutely.
(g) To the Salvation Army, Incorporated, a body corpo-
rate, incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia,
the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, absolutely.
(h) To the Board of Home Missions and Church Exten-
sion of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a body corporate,
to the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, a body corporate, and to the Strawbridge Home for
Boys, Inc., a body corporate, share and share alike, all the
rest and residue of the testator's estate, real, personal and
mixed, wheresoever lying and being, whether in possession
or expectancy, vested or contingent.
111. To the bequest contained in the Twelfth Clause of
the Will of Florence Hutson, late of Baltimore City, de-
ceased, duly probated and recorded in the office of the Reg-
ister of Wills of Baltimore City in Liber J. H. B. 179, Folio
60, as follows: "I give, devise and bequeath all the rest,
residue and remainder of my property and estate of whatso-
ever kind, nature and description, real, personal and mixed
and wheresoever the same may be situate, unto the vestry
of the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Baltimore,
Maryland, a body corporate, which said Church is now
located at the northeast corner of St. Paul and Twentieth
Streets, in the City of Baltimore, aforesaid, and is a church
belonging to the Protestant Episcopal Denomination, and
their successors and assigns, to equal one half (l/2) thereof
absolutely for the use and benefit of the said Church, and
the other equal one half (l/2) part or share thereof for the
use and benefit of the Chapel of the Guardian Angel, a Mis-
sion Church conducted by the said body corporate and now
located at the south east corner of Huntington Avenue and
Twenty Seventh Street, in the City of Baltimore. "
112. To the bequest of One Thousand Dollars
($1000. 00) contained in the Will of Annie Claude Bonday,
late of Baltimore City, deceased, duly probated and recorded
in the Office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in
Liber J. H. B. 179, Fol. 334, to the Vestry of St. Michael
and All Angels Protestant Episcopal Church of Baltimore,
Maryland, for the use of the Women's Guild of said Church.
113. To Deed to John L. Riley from Edmond J. Fitz-
Maurice, dated April 30, 1932, recorded among the land