(b) To the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Frederick, a body corporate, now known as "Calvary
Methodist Episcopal Church, " Two Thousand Dollars, to be
applied in part payment of the debt contracted in the build-
ing of said church if the said debt has not been paid at the
time of the testator's death. If said debt has at that time
been paid, then said fund shall be safely invested and the
income therefrom be used in the payment of the proper
expenses of said church corporation.
(c) All of the surplus of the rest and residue of the
estate of the said Frank C. Norwood, if any, which is to be
divided equally between the Vestry of All Saints Parish and
the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fred-
erick, and the money used as provided in reference to the be-
quests above referred to.
110. To the following gifts, bequests and devises con-
tained in the Last Will and Testament of Charles A. Nor-
wood, late of Frederick County, deceased, bearing date
on the ninth day of April, in the year 1934, and recorded
among the Will Records of Frederick County, in Liber M. F.
S. No. 1, Folio 388:
(a) To the Board of Home Missions and Church Exten-
sion of the Methodist Episcopal Church, incorporated under
the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars.
(b) To the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, incorporated by the Legislature of the
State of New York, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars.
(c) To the Trustees of the (Calvary) Methodist Episcopal
Church of Frederick, Maryland, a body corporate, the sum
of Five Thousand Dollars, absolutely.
(d) To the Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of
Frederick, in trust, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, to
be safely invested by said body corporate and the income
therefrom to be paid oyer to the Trustees of the Liberty
Church of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Frederick
County and State of Maryland, to be applied to the payment
of the Pastor of said Church, and in the event that this be-
quest should be held invalid as violating the rule against
perpetuities or for any other reason, then the said fund is
given and bequeathed to the Trustees of the Baltimore An-
nual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a body
corporate, absolutely.
(e) To the Vestry of All Saints Episcopal Church in
Frederick County, a body corporate, the sum of Two Thou-
sand Dollars absolutely.