stations, and within the limits of this Act, to perform such
duties as he shall designate.
15. The Superintendent shall have full power and au-
thority to suspend, for a period of thirty days, without pay,
any employee of the Department for such cause as may
seem fit to him. The Superintendent shall have full power
and authority to demote in rank any employee of the De-
partment below the rank of detective sergeant, for such
cause as may seem fit to him. The Superintendent may de-
mote in rank any employee of the Department of the rank
of detective sergeant or higher, for cause, if charges are
preferred, in accordance with the provisions of the Merit
System, and no such demotion shall be final until after a
hearing has been held in accordance with the provisions of
the Merit System. The findings of the State Employment
Commissioner shall be binding upon the Superintendent.
The Superintendent may discharge any employee of the
Department for cause, if charges have been preferred, in
accordance with the provisions of the Merit System, and no
such discharge shall be final until after a hearing has been
held in accordance with the provisions of the Merit System.
The findings of the State Employment Commissioner shall
be binding upon the Superintendent. The Superintendent
shall have full power and authority to suspend or discharge
probationers without a hearing.
16. The Superintendent shall provide for the employees
of the Department, within the amount of the appropriation
therefor, the uniforms and equipment necessary to the per-
formance of their respective duties, but all such uniforms
and equipment shall remain the property of the State. Al!
uniforms and equipment shall be purchased through the
State Purchasing Agent, and shall be in accordance with
the rules and regulations of the State Purchasing Bureau.
The Superintendent shall have authority to destroy such
uniforms and sell or dispose of such equipment as shall
have become unfit for use and all moneys received there-
from shall be paid into the State Treasury, and credited to
the use of the Department of Maryland State Police. •
17. The Superintendent shall have authority to approve
vouchers in payment of expenses incurred by employees of
the Department in the discharge of their duties, and such
vouchers shall be audited and paid out of the appropria-
tions of the Department in the manner required by law.
Allowance for lodging and subsistence while away from