George's County. All such license fees shall be payable to
the Comptroller for use of the State before any such license
is issued and, except an otherwise provided by this Act,
all such licenses shall be subject to all of the provisions
of Article 2-B of the Code of Public General Laws entitled
"Alcoholic Beverages. "
Section 565-B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Arti-
cle 2-B of the Code of Public General Laws, no holder of
Class A "Beer" License or Class A "Beer and Light Wine"
License in Prince George's County shall be permitted to sell
any "Beer" or "Beer and Light Wine" at wholesale to any
other license holder, it being intended that such licensees
shall restrict their sales to consumers and that no person
other than the holder of a "WHOLESALERS" or "MANU-
FACTURERS" license shall be permitted to sell "Beer" or
"Beer and Light Wine" to the holder of a Class A "Beer"
License or a Class A "Beer and Light Wine" License in
Prince George's County.
Section 565-C. The holder of any license issued under
the provisions of Article 2-B of the Code of Public General
Laws shall be permitted to exercise all of the privileges con-
ferred by such a license on the day of any municipal election
in any of the incorporated towns of Prince George's County.
Section 565-D. No refund of any part of any license fee
paid under the provisions of Article 2-B of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws shall be allowable in Prince George's Coun-
ty except upon the death of the licensee before the expira-
tion of his or her license when application for such refund
may be made by the executor or administrator of the de-
cedent and the refund shall be made upon compliance with
the provisions of said Article 2-B.
Section 565-E. Notwithstanding the provisions of Arti-
cle 2-B of the Code of Public General Laws, any licensee
may obtain a renewal license without obtaining the cer-
tificate of approval of the owner of the building in which
the business is conducted, provided the licensee is the holder
of a lease upon the entire building for not less than the
term of the renewal license. After any licensee has con-
ducted his business for the period of one year or more, he
shall be permitted to sell and transfer the same, including
the license to any person, subject to the provisions of Arti-
cle 2-B of the Code of General Public Laws, except that