shall meet as often thereafter as necessary to a proper dis-
charge of their official duties; they shall receive no pay for
their services, and in case of a vacancy in either of these
offices by reason of death, refusal to act, disqualification,
resignation or removal beyond the corporate limits, the
Mayor and Council, or a majority of them for the time
being, shall elect a Mayor or Councilman from the Citizens
of the town to fill said vacancy until his successor shall have
been elected at the next regular town election, and shall
have qualified. The vacancy so caused as regards council-
men shall be filled from the ward in which the vacancy
occurred. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the
Council ^nd shall have all the privileges of a councilman in
debate and vote; the President of the Council elected as
provided by this section shall, in the absence or inability
of the Mayor, preside at the sessions. The Mayor and Com-
mon Council shall hold a regular monthly meeting on the
second Monday of each month, at eight o'clock P. M., unless
said day be a legal holiday or a quorum should not be pres-
ent and in such an event the regular meeting shall be held
on the next secular business day or at such time. as the
Mayor may designate not more than one week from the
date that said meeting should have been held. The regular
monthly meeting shall be open for the transaction of any
and all general business that may come before the Mayor
and Common Council for action, subject to such rules and
regulations for the transaction of business thereat as the
Mayor and Common Council may determine. In addition
special meetings of the Mayor and Common Council may
at any time be convened by the Mayor, or at the request
of three members of that body. Special meetings shall be
confined to the business set out in the call for such special
meeting unless there be unanimous consent by those pres-
ent to the consideration of other matters at such special
meeting. The Mayor of the Town of Hyattsville shall be the
executive officer thereof, clothed with all the power neces-
sary to secure the enforcement of all ordinances of said
town under this charter. At all meetings of the Mayor and
Common Council, the Mayor and four councilmen, or in the
absence of the Mayor five Councilmen, present and voting,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,
and five affirmative votes shall be necessary for the passage
of an ordinance, law or resolution at all times. All ordi-
nances, resolutions, orders and appropriations shall take
effect from the date of their passage unless otherwise pro-
vided therein.