said Article 64A and the rules adopted thereunder, in so
far as applicable, shall apply to the County Commissioners
of Montgomery County in appointing and removing mem-
bers of the Montgomery County Police. Said County
Commissioners are further authorized and empowered to
appoint four additional Police Officers one of whom shall
be a Sergeant to be known as Sergeant of Park Policemen,
said Park Police Officers to be appointed at such time as
the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commis-
sion shall certify that it is in readiness to pay the compen-
sation and expense of said Park Police, and desires that
they be assigned. Said Park Police Officers shall be
assigned to the patrolling of such parks, park roads and
drives as may be established in Montgomery County under
the authority of the Maryland-National Capital Park &
Planning Commission and shall be under the control and
supervision of the Chief of Police in Montgomery County,,
and shall possess all the powers and authority of other
Montgomery County Police Officers. Their compensation,
uniforms and equipment shall be paid for and furnished
by the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Com-
mission and shall be the same as other Montgomery County
Police of the same grade. The Board of County Commis-
sioners are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
pay to the officer in charge of the Department of Criminal
Identification the sum of twenty-one hundred dollars
($2100.00) annually, payable in monthly instalments; pro-
vided said officer be a qualified finger print expert and has
had at least three years experience in photography.
692. The Board of County Commissioners shall ap-
point, in addition to above mentioned officers, a suitable and
qualified person as Chief of the Montgomery County Police,
at a salary not to exceed the sum of two thousand five hun-
dred ($2,500.00) dollars per annum, payable in equal month-
ly instalments. And in addition to said salary the County
Commissioners are authorized to allow the said chief of
police the sum of four hundred ($400.00) dollars for main-
tenance and upkeep of the automobiles to be used by the
chief of police and any expenses for uniforms, to be worn
as the County Commissioners may prescribe for the said
chief of police. That the chief of police, as aforesaid, shall
have control and supervision over the other members of
the force, and shall assign members of said force at such
hours and duties as said chief of police may think proper,
subject, however, at all times to such rules, orders and
regulations as the County Commissioners may from time
to time prescribe or ordain.