conduct fitness tests and extend the facilities of his
office as provided by said Article 64A, providing for the
compensation of the officer in charge of the Department
of Criminal Identification and providing for the ap-
pointment of the Chief of Police, and his removal.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 691, 692 and 694 of Article 16 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition),
title "Montgomery County," sub-title "Police," as said
sections were amended by Chapter 375 of the Acts of 1931,
be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, to read as follows:
691. The County Commissioners of Montgomery
County are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to
appoint such number not less than twenty-four (24) nor
more than thirty (SO) police officers for Montgomery
County at large, as they may deem necessary for the bet-
ter protection of persons and property in Montgomery
County, said police officers so appointed to be residents of
Montgomery County and to be known as and designated
as "Montgomery County Police."
Provided, however, that the fifteen members of said
County Police who had the longest length of service as of
January 1, 1935, shall remain and continue in service (or
shall be restored to said positions if removed before this
Act becomes effective) with their rank as of said date and
shall not be removed except for cause, as hereinafter pro-
vided. The said County Commissioners shall appoint not
exceeding fifteen additional police officers who shall like-
wise not be removed except for cause. Thereafter all ap-
pointments to fill vacancies or new positions in said County
Police shall be made only from annual eligible lists certified
to said County Commissioners by the Commissioner of
State Employment and Registration, who is hereby author-
ized and directed to extend the facilities of his office to the
County Commissioners of Montgomery County with refer-
ence to the Montgomery County Police, in accordance with
the provisions of Article 64A of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland. The said Commissioner of State Em-
ployment and Registration shall, when notified of any
position or vacancy to be filled in said County Police,
certify to the said County Commissioners, the names and
addresses of the two persons standing highest upon the
eligible list for the class in which the position or vacancy
exists. Except as otherwise provided, all the provisions of