The Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick issued and sold
Sixty Four Thousand Dollars of bonds.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick is hereby authorized and em-
powered to sell said bonds by bid upon sealed proposals to
the highest responsible bidder or bidders, after having
given at least two weeks public notice by advertisement
inserted in at least two newspapers published in Frederick
City, of the time, place, manner and terms of sale, and such
other notice as it shall think proper. Said bonds shall not
be sold except for cash, and when issued shall be exempt
from State, county and municipal taxation.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick is hereby authorized and em-
powered to pass all ordinances that it may deem proper for
the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, and
to do all things necessary for the issuance of said bonds
and their offering for sale under the most advantageous
conditions, which it may think proper, said bonds to be
issued in such manner, for such amounts, to bear such dates
and to be payable at such times as The Mayor and Alder-
men of Frederick shall provide by ordinance or ordinances,
which said ordinance, or ordinances, may fix the rate of
interest to be paid on said bonds, or designate how the rate
of interest may be determined when said bonds are offered
for sale. Said bonds when issued shall be signed by the
Mayor of said municipal corporation and the seal of the
Corporation shall be thereto affixed, attested by its City
Register, and the coupons attached thereto shall be authen-
ticated by the engraved, lithographed or printed signature
of the City Register of said municipal corporation.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick may also provide by ordinance, or
ordinances, for the registration of any bonds authorized
to be issued under this Act, as to the principal thereof, in
the names of the owners thereof, in the event the owners
desire to have said bonds registered. Any bonds issued
under this Act which are redeemed and paid off shall be
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick is hereby authorized and directed
to levy all necessary taxes upon the taxable property of
said Corporation, for the payment of the interest on said