NO. 26.
Joint Resolution requesting the Congress of the United
States to appropriate a sufficient sum of money for the
immediate use of the United States Bureau of Fisheries
to conduct a thorough biological survey of the Chesa-
peake Bay and its tributaries, relative to the spawning
grounds and migratory and other habits of certain fish.
WHEREAS, It is very important that accurate scientific
knowledge relative to the spawning grounds and habits of
edible fish be acquired in order to best conserve such fish
life; therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Congress of the United States be and it is hereby request-
ed to appropriate promptly a sufficient amount of money
to enable the United States Bureau of Fisheries to begin
an immediate and thorough biological and practical sur-
vey of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for the pur-
pose of ascertaining all the essential facts relative to the
spawning grounds and migratory and other habits of the
striped bass or rock, shad, herring, trout, blue fish and
other migratory edible fish by means of fish tagging and
such other experiments as may be deemed necessary and
proper for that purpose, as the results of such a study will
redound to the benefit of all sections of the United States
where migratory food fish are a source of revenue to its
people; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he is here-
by directed to send, under the great seal of the State, a
copy of this Resolution to the President of the Senate, to
the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to the United
States Bureau of Fisheries, and to each representative
from Maryland in the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States Congress.
Approved May 17, 1935.
NO. 27.
A Joint Resolution providing that certain residents of Mary-
land shall not be paid any of the revenues from the Emer-
gency Gross Receipts Tax.