WHEREAS, statements are made, from time to time, that
numerous persons are receiving relief who are not entitled
thereto or who are not bona fide residents of Maryland;
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the State Administrator of Emergency Relief Funds, the
Board of State Aid and Charities, or any other official or
officials who have charge of the distribution of any of the
funds for unemployment relief or other charitable purposes,
and particularly of the revenues received from the Emer-
gency Gross Receipts Tax, be and they are hereby requested
to see that none of said funds are paid to any person who
has not been a bona fide resident of the State of Maryland
for at least 12 months, with the exception of tourists who
are temporarily in distress or in case of sickness.
Approved May 17, 1935.
. NO. 28.
A Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works to
pay out of the contingent fund appropriated to said Board
in the State Budget for the years 1935-1937, the sum of
twenty-five hundred ($2, 500. 00) dollars to Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Zebron on account of the death of one child and of
injuries sustained by Mrs. Zebron and two of their chil-
dren due to the negligence of a police officer driving a
police car.
WHEREAS, On June 6, 1933, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zebron
and their three children, Edna, Audrey and Marie, all
minors, were riding in the Zebron automobile on Hanover
Street when the car was struck by police radio car No. 12,
driven by Patrolman Earl Lichtenberg; and
WHEREAS, As a result of this collision the Zebron auto-
mobile was overturned, the child Edna was killed, and Mrs.
Zebron and the other two children severely injured and the
automobile demolished; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Zebron and the two minor children, Marie
and Audrey, have permanent injuries and disfigurements as
a result of the accident which was due to the negligence of
the patrolman; therefore be it