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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1301   View pdf image (33K)
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ber of its personnel and its powers increased by Joint
Resolution No. 16 of the General Assembly of 1931, and
by Joint Resolution No. 6 of the General Assembly of 1933,
be and the same is hereby continued until its successors
are appointed; and

Resolved further, That the said Commission shall pre-
pare a report covering any and all subjects considered by
it during the years 1935 and 1936, which said report shall
be submitted to the Governor, not later than December
31st, 1936, and said report shall contain a draft or drafts
of Bills in conformity with its recommendations and said
report, together with said Bills, shall be submitted by the
Governor to the General Assembly of 1937.

Approved May 17, 1935.

NO. 22.

A Joint Resolution authorizing and directing the Public
Service Commission of Maryland to make an investiga-
tion of the electric rates for light and power made by
electric and power companies doing business in Cecil

WHEREAS, The rates charged for electric light and power
purposes in Cecil County are much higher than similar
rates charged in Philadelphia; and

WHEREAS, some of the electric light and power supplied
to Philadelphia is supplied by the same company which
owns and operates a plant located in Maryland, and sup-
plies electricity for lighting and power purposes in Cecil
County; and

WHEREAS, it seems an unwarranted discrimination for a
company to transmit electricity a much greater distance
to Philadelphia and sell at a lower rate than is charged for
electricity supplied from the same source, but trans-
mitted a much shorter distance; and

WHEREAS, it would seem that residents of Maryland
should be given at least an equal treatment as to rates for
electricity generated in Maryland as is given to residents
of Pennsylvania who are supplied with electricity from the
same source; therefore


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1301   View pdf image (33K)
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