WHEREAS, A resolution providing for the President of
the United States of America to proclaim October llth of
each year as "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" for the
observance and commemoration of the death of Brigadier
General Casimir Pulaski is now pending in the present
session of the United States Congress; and,
WHEREAS, The llth day of October, 1779, is the date in
American History of the heroic death of Brigadier General
Casimir Pulaski, who died from wounds received on October
9th, 1779, at the siege of Savannah, Georgia; and,
WHEREAS, The States of Arkansas, California, Connecti-
cut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennes-
see, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and other States of
the Union, through legislative enactment designated Octo-
ber llth of each year as "General Pulaski's Memorial
Day; " and,
WHEREAS, It is fitting that the recurring anniversary
of this day be commemorated with suitable patriotic and
public exercises in observing and commemorating the
heroic death of this great American Hero of the Revolu-
tionary War; and,
WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States of America
has by legislative enactment designated October 11, 1929;
October 11, 1931; October 11, 1932; and October 11, 1934,
to be "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" in United States
of America; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Congress of the United States be and it is hereby requested
to pass, and the President of the United States to approve,
if passed, the "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" Resolu-
tion now pending in the United States Congress; and be it
Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution, properly
authenticated, be sent forthwith to the President of the
United States, the Vice-President of the United States, the
Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United
States, and to each of the United States Senators and Rep-
resentatives from the State of Maryland in Congress.
Approved May 17, 1935.