use of said Department and for the purpose of exchange
for the codes and supplements of the several States.
Approved May 17, 1935.
NO. 11.
A Joint Resolution for the appointment of a Commission to
study the question of prison labor.
WHEREAS, Governor Albert C. Ritchie, in his message
to the General Assembly on January 2, 1935, called atten-
tion to the serious problem confronting the people of this
State relative to the employment of prisoners, due to leg-
islation prohibiting the sale of prison-made goods; and
WHEREAS, Governor Harry W. Nice, in his message to
the General Assembly on February 5, 1935, stated that
steps must be taken to substitute some adequate State Use
System for the present contract system in the employ-
ment of able-bodied prisoners; therefore be it
Resolved, By the General Assembly of Maryland, That a
Commission be and it is hereby created, to consist of nine
members, three to be appointed by the Speaker of the
House of Delegates, three by the President of the Senate,
and three by the Governor, to study and investigate the
problem of prison labor and, if possible, to recommend
ways and means of employing able-bodied prisoners in the
penal institutions of this State; and be it further
Resolved, That this Commission be requested to organ-
ize promptly and to report as soon as practicable to the
General Assembly if in session, and if not in session then
to the Governor of this State and to the General Assem-
bly of Maryland at its next session.
Approved May 17, 1935.
NO. 12.
A Joint Resolution, requesting the Congress of the United
States to pass, and the President of the United States to
approve, if passed, the "General Pulaski's Memorial Day"
Resolution now pending in Congress.