pose of paying the principal of and the interest on any of
the bonds, certificates of indebtedness or other obligations
herein authorized to be refunded, shall be devoted to the
payment of the principal of and the interest on the bonds
issued hereunder, the proceeds from which have been de-
voted to the retirement or refunding of any such bonds,
certificates of indebtedness or other obligations, until the
proceeds of such special assessments or other levies are
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of paying the interest on the bonds authorized to be
issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act, and for pay-
ing the bonds themselves as they respectively mature and
are payable after the issue and sale thereof under the pro-
visions of this Act, the County Commissioners of Montgom-
ery County shall annually until all of said bonds issued
under the provisions of this Act shall have matured and
been paid, levy a tax upon all of the assessable property
in said County, sufficient to pay the annual interest on all
of said bonds that may be issued and outstanding as said
interest becomes due and payable, and also a tax in each
year upon all of said assessable property in said County
sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they respec-
tively mature and are due and payable, which tax shall be
in addition to all other taxes authorized by law, provided,
however, that the amount of said tax may be reduced in
any one year by the amount of the proceeds of the collec-
tion of the special assessments or other levies hereinabove
referred to and dedicated by this Act to the servicing of
such bonds authorized to be issued hereunder as may be
issued for the purpose of refunding or retiring the bonds,
certificates of indebtedness or other obligations primarily
payable from the proceeds of such special assessments or
other levies.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That in the event
any of the bonds, certificates of indebtedness or other obli-
gations hereinabove in Section 5 referred to have heretofore
or shall hereafter be retired or paid out of the general or
special funds of the County or from any other source, then
the total aggregate amount of the bonds authorized to be
issued and sold pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall
be reduced by the amount of the bonds, certificates of in-
debtedness or other obligations so retired or paid, provided,
however, that in the event the Board of County Commis-
sioners have heretofore determined or shall hereafter de-