appear that the amount of funds allocated to any such pro-
ject is in excess of the actual cost of constructing such
project as required by the present school construction
program, and provided further that the Board of Educa-
tion of Montgomery County shall have the authority in its
sole discretion to determine which of said projects shall be
constructed, in whole or in part, with funds loaned or
granted by the United States of America or any agency
thereof and which of said projects shall be constructed, in
whole or in part, with funds realized from the private sale
of the bonds authorized to be issued and sold pursuant to
the provisions of this Act, and the Board of Education of
Montgomery County shall have the authority to readjust
the estimated costs of any of the projects hereinafter
described dependent upon whether the same are constructed,
in whole or in part, with funds borrowed from the United
States of America or any agency thereof or whether said
projects are constructed, in whole or in part, with funds
privately borrowed as hereinabove provided.
The Board of Education of Montgomery County is here-
by authorized and directed to expend the funds hereinabove
referred to on all of the following projects in the approxi-
mate proportions allocated to each, subject, however, to the
aforegoing provisions of this Section:
1. For the construction of a gymnasium and
class room unit at the Western Suburban Senior
High School...................................................................................... $235, 000. 00
2. For the construction of a gymnasium and
for the finishing of the third story rooms in the
first unit at the Eastern Suburban Senior High
3. For the building of the second class room
unit at the school on the Fair Grounds in Rock-
4. For the construction and/or development
of athletic fields and playgrounds at the Senior
Suburban High Schools............................................................... $20, 000. 00
5. For fixed and educational equipment........... $60, 000. 00
6. For the building of a class room unit on
the new site adjoining the Damascus School........... $25, 000. 00
7. For the construction of an additional unit
to the Sandy Springs School................................................ $52, 000. 00
8. For the purchase and construction of the
land, buildings and educational equipment for a
new junior high school on a site near Georgia
Avenue and Glen Avenue in Silver Spring............ $170, 000. 00