Montgomery County a sum equal to the difference between
the amount of said loan and/or grant and the amount of
Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($850, 000. 00)
as hereinabove provided.
(4) In any event, the Board of Education of Montgom-
ery County shall, if it is necessary, have the authority to
call upon the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
to make available to it a sum adequate to cover any short-
age of funds in the school construction program now being
carried forward, including schools now being constructed
with funds derived from the Federal Emergency Admin-
istration of Public Works and designated P. W. A. Docket
No. 1780, and any shortage of funds in the school construc-
tion program to which the funds authorized to be borrowed
by this Act are allocated, such shortage of funds being
cause by unanticipated contingent items of cost and by the
excess of the actual cost of such programs over their esti-
mated cost, and the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County shall have the authority to borrow the sum or sums
so called for by the Board of Education of Montgomery
County and to issue and sell the bonds of the county in
the aggregate amount thereof to evidence such borrowing,
said bonds to be issued and sold upon the terms and con-
ditions and in the manner prescribed by Sections 1, 2, 3
and 4 of this Act, this authority to be in addition to and in
excess of any limitations on borrowing as prescribed by
this Act, except that such deficiency caused by the shortage
of funds herein referred to may be made by the Board of
Education of Montgomery County a first charge upon
any funds derived by said Board of Education of Mont-
gomery County from the proceeds of the sale of the bonds
authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of this
Act, in the event that the said Board shall so elect to do,
whereupon the authority to borrow additional funds to
cover said shortage as herein authorized shall become void
and of no effect.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of
the sale of any or all of the bonds authorized to be issued
in pursuance of the provisions of this Act shall be expended
by the Board of Education of Montgomery County for the
purposes and on the projects hereinafter enumerated and
in the approximate amounts allocated to each such project,
provided, however, that the Board of Education of Mont-
gomery County shall have the authority in its sole discre-
tion to reallocate the amount of funds to be expended on
any such project to any other such project whenever it shall