9. For the first payment on the purchase
price of a new school site for later development
in Takoma Park................................................................................ $10, 000. 00
10. For building an additional unit to the
East Silver Spring School....................................................... $35, 000. 00
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
Education of Montgomery County and the County Com-
missioners of Montgomery County be and they hereby are
authorized and empowered to enter into any and all con-
tracts or agreements which may be required by the United
States of America or any agency thereof as a condition
precedent to the loan and/or grant of funds to the County
Commissioners of Montgomery County or the Board of
Education of Montgomery County.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That in all contracts
for any of the construction work to be performed with the
funds authorized to be borrowed pursuant to the provisions
of this Act, the Board of Education of Montgomery County
shall, whenever practicable, insert a clause in each of such
contracts for the employment by the contractor and sub-
contractors, whether individual or corporate, of skilled and
unskilled labor made available by the Montgomery County
Reemployment Bureau, said clause to be in such language
and to contain such terms, conditions and exceptions as
the Board of Education of Montgomery County shall deem
advisable, and, in addition, shall contain the provisions
that said contractor or sub-contractors shall not be obliged
to employ labor supplied by the Montgomery County Reem-
ployment Bureau in the event that the said Bureau shall
be unable to supply the type of skilled labor or the number
of unskilled laborers desired by such contractor, and said
clause shall further provide that said contractor or sub-
contractors shall have the right to discharge or discontinue
the employment of any of such skilled or unskilled labor
so supplied in the event that he or they shall be dissatisfied"
with the same.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of paying the interest on all or any of the bonds herein-
above authorized and for the purpose of paying the bonds
themselves as they respectively mature and are payable-
after the issue and sale thereof pursuant to the provisions
of this Act, the Board of County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County shall annually until all the said bonds is-
sued under the provisions of this Act shall have matured