officiate at or assist in the conduct or operation of a swim-
ming pool as a manager, lifeguard, gate keeper, ticket sell-
er or attendant, within Montgomery County on the first
day of the week, commonly called Sunday, if such swim-
ming pool is operated within one hundred yards of a per-
manent church edifice where religious services are being
483J. Nothing contained in Section 483 of this Article
shall be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the opera-
tion within the boundaries of Montgomery County of a rec-
reation center, amusement park or picnic grounds offering
permanent and stationary amusement devices and attrac-
tions such as various mechanically operated pleasure rides
and/or self and manual operating devices, attractions
and/or exhibitions and games of skill, all operated within
the confines of an area devoted exclusively for such pur-
poses, and operated during the months of April to Septem-
ber, both inclusive, provided such recreation center, amuse-
ment park or picnic ground is operated not less than fifteen
consecutive weeks during the months herein and first above
indicated, on the first day of the week, commonly called
Sunday, whether said recreation center, amusement park
or picnic ground be operated with or without a charge or
admission fee, provided it shall be unlawful to operate an
amusement park, recreation center or picnic ground be-
tween the hours of one thirty A. M. and one P. M. on Sun-
days. This amendment, however, to specifically prohibit
temporary exhibitions or operation of carnivals consisting
of portable riding or amusement devices.
483K. Nothing contained in Section 483 shall be con-
strued as prohibiting, penalizing or making unlawful the
officiating at or assisting in the conduct of the operation of
a recreation center, amusement park or picnic ground on
the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, as a
manager, supervisor, guard, gate keeper, ticket seller or
any other attendant or employee, although such person or
persons so officiating in connection therewith are engaged as
an occupation, pursuit or business, provided, however, that
it shall be unlawful to officiate or assist in the conduct or
operation of an amusement park, recreation center or picnic
ground between the hours of one thirty A. M. and one
P. M. on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday.
483L. It shall be lawful for any bowling alley, ten-pin
alley or duck-pin alley located within the Fifth Precinct